Jobs in Social Data Science an der LMU

Der Chair of Statistics and Data Science in Social Sciences and the Humanities (Frauke Kreuter) hat einige Doktoranden- und PostDoc-Stellen ausgeschrieben. Hier die Ausschreibungsmail:

Dear all,

Several PhD and Postdoc positions are available at the chair of 
Statistics and Data Science in Social Sciences and the Humanities at the Institute for Statistics, LMU München.

Are you interested in automated and computer-assisted decision making? 
In applying Machine Learning to analyze unstructured or non-rectangular 
data sets, from surveys and from industry? In collecting new (survey) 
data for digital-era-related research questions that haven?t been asked 
before? To design software, facilitating research on human beings? How 
can the social sciences use Big Data in ethical ways, while preserving 
privacy? Be a leader and help form the AI revolution.

Find more information about the available positions at

PhD positions:

Postdoctoral researchers:

For two of the positions we have more detailed descriptions available

Research on social inequality in modern digital societies:

Research on automated AI-assistants to improve the measurement of 

Please feel free to contact us to find out how your areas of interest 
might match with these or other projects we have.

Application deadline: Dec 20, 2021.

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