The Consortia Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information (CASRAI) provides a dictionary containing terms for the Research Data Domains. Each term has a unique identifier (UUID) and a URL that can be used as references to enhance reading comprehension of documents by hyperlinking terms to their definition. The URL for each term contains a link to a Discussion page to complete the feedback loop with the community of users.
The Glossary has been developed in consultation with vocabulary experts and practitioners from a wide cross-section of stakeholder groups. It is meant to be a practical reference for individuals and working groups concerned with the improvement of research data management, and as a meeting place for further discussion and development of terms. The aim is to create a stable and sustainably governed glossary of community accepted terms and definitions, and to keep it relevant by maintaining it as a ‘living document’ that is updated when necessary.
Form other sections of the dictionary one can return to this pilot section using the top-menu item Filter by and selecting Research Data Domain. To see all terms in the CASRAI dictionary (including the RDC terms), go here: http://dictionary.casrai.org/Category:Terms
In addition to direct comments on specific terms in the Glossary CASRAI is very interested in receiving feedback about the Glossary in general. Here is a short survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Glossary_ResearchDataManagement
This section of the dictionary is developed and maintained by Research Data Canada’s (RDC) Standards & Interoperability Committee (http://www.rdc-drc.ca) in collaboration with CASRAI. It is made publicly available under a Creative Commons Attribution Only license (CC-BY).
(via [DDI-users])